Don’t compare yourself to other companies, just focus on building your company, building your brand.
Michelle Chu is the CEO and founder of Kono’s Kitchen, a company that makes treats and other food items for dogs that are healthy and efficient. Michelle first started her journey into this company when she adopted a rescue dog she named Kono, and wanted to find a healthy diet to best take care of her dog but nothing was very convenient or easily accommodatable on travel trips.
Michelle now makes an effort to allow for all other dog parents who felt the same way as she did about feeding their pets to be able to have an easy and convenient way of taking care of their dogs. Another important part of her company is that she emphasizes the importance of giving back to other rescue dogs, and does this through her company.
In this episode, Michelle speaks more on how she came to start her company, the challenges she has faced as a “solopreneur,” and how she hopes to improve her company in the future, especially during the pandemic.
Some topics that were discussed include:
- The importance of acknowledging imperfections in pet parenting
- The struggle of finding a good and healthy diet for their dog that is not overwhelming
- How Michelle built her business of dog food
- The significance of building a team in businesses
- Challenges that Michelle faced as she was learning and building her business
- The experience of being a “solopreneur” and being in complete control of a business
- Mistakes’ inevitability and how Michelle learned to let go of perfectionism, and be open to changes
- Michelle’s visions for the future of Kono’s Kitchen, and how flexibility is important to her visions
- The effects that COVID-19 have had on businesses such as Kono’s Kitchen and dog rescues
- The importance of celebrating your own successes in your work
Contact Kono’s Kitchen:
- On Instagram | @itskonoskitchen
- Reach out by email at |
References & links mentioned:
- Kono’s Kitchen website:
- Kono’s Instagram | @itskonono
- Wags and Walks Rescue Instagram | @wagsandwalks
- Book Recommendation: What It Take by Raegan Moya-Jones
- Book Recommendation: Shoe Dog by Phil Knight
- Podcast Recommendation: How I Built This with Guy Raz from NPR
Let’s Work Together
Have a question about starting, running, scaling, or selling your business for Alex Bruno? Get in touch with us at or give us a call today at (818) 280-8460.
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- Follow our Host Alex Bruno | @alexbrunoesq
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