by Bruno Group Inc. | Podcast
Get our three biggest takeaways from the first half of season one in a single episode. As we transition into the second half of season one, we’ve selected three big ideas from our conversations with innovative leaders of food-based businesses that with help you along...
by Bruno Group Inc. | Podcast
“I realized that one person’s effort, through grassroots, can really make impact. So that led the chain reaction of us doing policy work. We ended up getting the bill passed in the state legislature and the governor signed it into law. This is AB 626 The...
by Bruno Group Inc. | Podcast
“It’s not about copying. It’s about doing you, because you’re unique and there are so many people that can relate to you [and] are looking for what your interests are. So with Xelas, it was a lot of staying true to ourselves. I think what...
by Bruno Group Inc. | Podcast
“So, I’m the son of immigrants. When my parents came to this country there was no Plan B. They came here and they had to find a way to make it work. They had to will it to succeed. That quickly was a mindset that I developed at a very young age. Through work,...
by Bruno Group Inc. | Podcast
“Our goal is to try to help people understand that they can empower themselves through business and entrepreneurship and invest back into the communities that they live in.” Barney Santos Founder, BLVDMRKT Some topics that were discussed include: About...