Some topics that were discussed include:
About Hello Cheffy
Building a thoughtful brand
Maintaining brand quality and brand experience
Nurturing Chefs into savvy business leaders
Learning to leverage AI to connect the right bid with the right Chef
Being ready for change
Working with a remote team
- Finding support locally – Shoutout to She Ventures in Tech!
The value of mentoring
Digital marketing and social media
Finding your target audience
Customer service, brand experience, and automation
Being “Scrappy”
- “Your goal is to out last your competition.”
Contact Katherine Hunter-Blyden:
On Instagram | @hellocheffy
On LinkedIn |
On Twitter | @KHunterBlyden
References & links mentioned:
Hello Cheffy website |
On Instagram | @hellocheffy
She Ventures in Tech | @sheventuresintech
- Book Recommendation: The Power of Broke by Daymond John
Let’s Work Together
Have a question about starting, running, scaling, or selling your business for Alex Bruno? Get in touch with us at or give us a call today at (818) 539-2245.
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- Follow our Host Alex Bruno | @alexbrunoesq
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